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Corporeal Daughters Series


Corporeal Daughters is a trilogy that started during NaNoWriMo, the National Novel Writing Month. 

Book one, titled Corporeal Daughters: Family Ties, is the first in the series and available for sale on the Kindle and the Kobo for a low $2.99

Next up will be the second book, titled Corporeal Daughters: Memories.  The book is currently in the editing stage. 

I will be keeping the costs of the books low so that anyone who would like to have them is able to do so at an affordable price. 

Book I - Family Ties

Kat wakes up from a nightmare she's had many times before to find a dead laptop with no memory of her thesis for her final grades.  

If only she knew that possibly failing out of college was going to be the least of her worries for the day.  If it isn't humans pushing her in front of cars, it's an ancient race of beings who are thirsty for her link to a woman who's been dead for over two hundred years.

Can Kat survive the day on her own, or is she going to have to accept help from an unusual man who seems to pop in and out of her life with conspicuous timing?

And if she doesn't survive, will she stay dead?

Warning: Contains adult situations, course language and sexual content.